
Carrington-Fuller Post No. 800



The United States Flag Code (Chapter 1 of Title 4 of the United States Code) states that, "The flag, when it is in such condition that it is no longer a fitting emblem for display, should be destroyed in a dignified way, preferably by burning."

As a service to the community, Carrington-Fuller Post No. 800 maintains a flag retirement drop box for the collection of flags that need to be retired. It is located to the immediate right of our front steps to the porch. Please feel free to deposit your worn out flags in the box for proper disposal. This box is for flags only so please do not deposit bags, boxes or flag sticks in the box. Those can be disposed of as normal trash or recycling. Retired flags are then destroyed by burning in a dignified and respectful ceremony as befits the symbol of our great nation.

Our drop box was recently refurbished thanks to Legion Member Jim Sedorus who arranged with Caskey's Garage for cleaning, sandblasting, metal repair and painting of the box and with Matthews Buses for the stars and stripes decals. All labor and materials were donated by Jim, Caskey's Garage and Matthews Buses and we are indebted to them all for this wonderful donation.